Loron Hays

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, my FIENDS in horror! And fresh for the seasonal bleedings is Phil Herman ’s I Slay On Christmas , an uncompromising horror anthology filled to the brim wit...
Art imitates life or is it the other way round? Opening with an aerial shot (supplied by drone) which is reminiscent of The Shining ’s helicopter shots in the opening drive to the hotel, Project Z kno...
“Tell me. Are you bored, Alice?” The billboard says it all: GODISNOWHERE . Let that soak in. What you read (and how you interpret it) is essentially where you will come out from Night of the Hunted ,...
Produced and expertly directed by Sean S. Cunningham and written by Victor Miller, Friday the 13th , being the first independent movie to get distributed by a major studio, never seems to get the cred...
Roman Polanski ’s American debut arrived with Rosemary’s Baby in 1968 and, to this day, the film remains a blistering masterpiece of mood, art, and mayhem. There’s a reason this tale is considered by...
When it comes to combining genres, The Mahal Empire reigns supreme. Bikers and vampires? Count me in! Directed by Michael Su ( Night of the Tommyknockers, Bridge of the Doomed, Death Count ) and starr...
Watch closely. Things aren’t quite what they seem. That’s one of the ideas behind The Unseen as one young lawyer, Tommy Olson ( RJ Mitte, Breaking Bad ) begins his career investigating unsolved cases....
And it comes right at you! Exploding from the screen and absolutely thrilling in its rendering, It Came From Outer Space , with an eerie performance from Russell Johnson ( This Island Earth , Attack o...
This house wakes up at night. Absolutely. The Haunting Lodge , directed by filmmakers Kendall and Vera Whelpton ( The House In Between ), is a fascinating investigation into the reported hauntings at...
. . . and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go! You know how the nursery rhyme goes, except in director Jason Arber ’s bloody version of this beloved rhyme, Mary’s lamb has gone complete...
This is why I love independent filmmaking. Artists get to challenge genre norms. Written by Bret Miller and directed by Harley Wallen ( Ash and Bone ), Beneath Us All begins in Scandinavia in 912 AD....
If ever an award should be handed out for classicism in the opening two minutes of a film, it ought to go to writer/director Robbie Smith ’s Grieve . For two whole minutes, we hover above a man who is...
“The mummy walks at midnight!” The frights are baaaack! And with them a whole lot of fun, too. Complete with a fresh set of fun faux trailers ( The Slaughter , directed by Shawn Burkett, Night of the...
Before the law there stands a guard . . . and that guard is not allowing you admittance. Ever. This is a world gone completely mad and the masterfully on-point filmmaker, one Orson Welles , is there t...
Public art has to withstand the elements. Keep that in mind as The Curse of Willow Song rolls out. There is beauty in the breakdown, but it is going to require a heavy, heavy price...